Home Crime Thailand Sends Nearly 1,000 Endangered Animals Back to Madagascar in Historic Anti-Trafficking...

Thailand Sends Nearly 1,000 Endangered Animals Back to Madagascar in Historic Anti-Trafficking Effort

Thailand Sends Nearly 1,000 Endangered Animals Back to Madagascar in Historic AntiPULSE NEWS NETWORK
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Bangkok: Thailand is repatriating almost 1,000 endangered animals to Madagascar in a significant step to fight wildlife trafficking. The first group of animals began their journey back on Saturday.

This repatriation marks the largest such operation between Thailand and Madagascar, according to Thai authorities.

The animals, which were recovered in a police raid in May, include endangered species like spider tortoises, radiated tortoises, and lemurs. These animals were seized during an anti-trafficking operation in the southern Thai province of Chumphon. In total, 1,117 animals were found, but eight had already died due to poor conditions.

Many of these species are among the world’s most endangered, protected by international laws under CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species). They are highly valued in Asia as exotic pets, though it is difficult to recreate their natural habitats, often leading to their suffering and death.

Unfortunately, some animals had died due to poor health during transport to Thailand, including dehydration and lack of food. Others struggled to adjust to the new environment.

In an official ceremony in Bangkok on Wednesday, Thai authorities handed over the animals to Madagascan officials. A total of 961 live animals will be flown back to Madagascar on three Qatar Airways flights starting Saturday.

This repatriation is a major victory for wildlife protection and international efforts to curb the illegal animal trade.


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